Clever Black Friday Title Here

Use "SEO" promo code for 10% Discount for LIFE (Oh and I have SEO services now)

I know I’m #1032 in you inbox but hey, if you are waiting for an additional reason to subscribe to SEO Arcade, and it’s awesome Google sheet based keyword cluster, international SEO data, market research, SEO opportunity sizing and SEO forecasting capabilities… here’s a code for 10% for life to get unlimited reports per month off the already rock bottom price of $20 a month.

Promo code is “SEO”. Yep. SUUUUUuuuuper original, I know.

Tired of being offered garbage links by random Linkedin connections and cold emails in your inbox? Why not ACTUALLY earn those backlinks by doing a trash clean-up in your local community? I’ve setup a process to find local non-profits who provide gear/bags/grabbers/gloves. Best part is you get listed on those non-profit sites for your event.

Then I take that event and submit it to local event aggregators, who send you links. I email city hall and ask to link to your event page on your site. Those event aggregators populate into local newspaper sites. I send a press release which posts up to 50+ sites and gets picked up by human interest story hungry journalists. I add you to a couple articles about active green businesses in your city. You get show notes links from my green podcast. In the end you get a mix of follow and no follow links from 60+ different sites.

I am now the host of the Unscripted SEO Podcast, I am taking pretty much all comers who want to have a genuine, 1:1 conversation about all things SEO. It’s like 30 minutes usually. No agenda, just chatting about what interests you about SEO, what you’ve been seeing in the industry, swapping stories etc.

Oh hey. Look at that. I also started a simple service that finds you, or your client, guest spots on podcasts that fit their niche. $50 bounty per guest spot we connect you. You tell us how many spots you might be open to each month. Easy peasy, pay once we connect you with the host and not before.